Office Hours

Office Hours with Thimo Buchheister

Connect, Collaborate, and Create

Welcome to my Office Hours! This is your opportunity to connect with me and tap into my years of experience in software development, project management, and creative brainstorming. Whether you’re a fellow developer, a project manager, or a Lego enthusiast, I’m here to share insights, offer guidance, and explore new ideas with you.

Why Schedule a Meeting?

How It Works

  1. Select a Time: Browse my available slots and pick a time that suits your schedule.
  2. Describe Your Interest: Fill in a brief description of the topic or question you’d like to discuss, so I can prepare accordingly.
  3. Meeting Confirmation: After booking, you’ll receive a confirmation with all the necessary details for our meeting.

Topics of Interest

Ready to Book?

If you have any specific questions or prefer to arrange a meeting outside the available slots, feel free to reach out directly via email.

I’m excited to meet you and explore the endless possibilities in technology and creativity. Let’s make something amazing together!